Celebrating 1 Month of Dashy

Dashy 1-Month Anniversary:
Dashy launched in the Google Chrome Web Store exactly one month ago. We have experienced a tremendous response from users, hit a number of milestones, and have continued to improve and expand the tools and apps you use in Dashy.
To celebrate this one month milestone, we are doing precisely nothing special at all. Maybe we will take a nap, but that really is about it aside from making this celebration post.
We have had a blast building Dashy and growing our community, so we wanted to highlight a few of the accomplishments from our first month on the market.
New Widgets:
We are constantly working on building new widgets to improve our users’ experience and provide them with as many options as possible to maximize their online productivity. Since our initial launch into the Chrome Web Store, we have added Translator, Tab Manager, and Todoist widgets. We have also completely revamped and improved the Bookmarks widget.
We want to build the widgets that our users want and need, so let us know what you want to see from us next!
Dashy Users:
We have seen daily organic growth throughout our first month. In this timeframe we have released 7 versions of the extension, each with their own updates and improvements. We hope to see a continuation of this exponential growth going forward, so if you are enjoying Dashy we would love for you to share it with your friends and colleagues.

On August 8th we finished our build for a Mozilla Firefox Add-On. While Chrome is assuredly the leader in browser market share, we know that each individual has their preferences when they are choosing their web browser. Firefox still has millions of users, and one of our main focuses is providing the Dashy community with options. Users now can add the Dashy extension to either Chrome or Firefox, so choose the browser that you prefer.
Download the Firefox Add-On here.
If you want to see us expand to a different browser, be sure to let us know.
Chrome Web Store:
Most of our growth has sprung up organically through the Chrome Web Store, and we have worked hard at making Dashy easier to find. We have also set out from Day 1 to follow the Chrome policies for best practices. This dedication to privacy and online safety has earned Dashy the “Verified” checkmark in the Web Store, as well as the “Featured” badge. Users want an extension they can trust with their data, and we are thrilled to have met the lofty standards for receiving these badges.

What's Next for Dashy?
As we have often stated, we are always building new additions to Dashy. The next few goals we have set include an integration with Outlook Calendar, a habit tracker, and mindfulness widgets. For a full breakdown of our roadmap to the future of Dashy, click here.
Our first month as a Side Panel/Sidebar and New Tab extension has gone even better than we had hoped, and it's all thanks to all of the wonderful people who have joined the Dashy community. We can't wait to see what the next month looks like, but in the meantime we will keep building and improving the Dashy experience. Now time for that nap.