Meet the Dashy Team

Meet the Dashy Team

Dashy may have just recently launched, but the team at Dashy has been working on this project for quite some time. Get to know a little bit about the team members who keep Dashy rolling behind the scenes.

Jer Dargis, Co-Founder and CEO

Jer is a recovering introvert from the Pacific Northwest. He's spent a decade developing systems, building teams, and designing products across numerous fields. His passion to build and launch a technology start-up has led to the creation of Dashy with Co-Founder & CTO, Rahit, and Director of Communications, Jacob.

What do you do at Dashy?
I make sure we don't crash and burn the ship. From testing each new line of code to editing the copy on our ads, I'm hands-on all day long, and often at night too.

What makes running Dashy worth it?
I love that Dashy solves a real problem, browser tab overload. I love that with our platform's foundation there is no limit to what integrations and apps we can add to Dashy. And lastly, I really love making big decisions and navigating the heavy responsibilities of building this company with my best friend and my brother.

Who are some leaders or business role models of yours?
Leader? George Washington, hands down. Business? Early industrialists who gave back to their communities, like George Westinghouse and Andrew Carnegie.

What is your favorite quote?
"Before you can get what you want, you must first know what it is." And, "Don't worry, be happy."

What are you listening to?
I listen to a lot of audio books, usually history, biography or business genres.  My music playlist stretches from the early 60's to the latest in today's computerized sneezes and ticks.

Rahit Ash, Co-Founder and CTO

Rahit is a programing wizard from Kolkata, India. His primary language is JavaScript, but he has been known to dabble in BASIC from time to time. His passion is creating incredible tech tools to help make people's lives easier.

What do you do at Dashy?
I am a full-stack developer. Essentially, I write all the code that makes Dashy possible.

Why work at Dashy?
I love working at Dashy because whatever I think of is exactly what I get to create. Our product is solving a real world problem that many people experience. Full creativity and freedom is encouraged and expected on team Dashy. The flexibility is nice too. I work a ridiculous schedule because I'm basically nocturnal.

What do you enjoy doing when you're not coding?
Riding motorcycles, exploring cities, and going to beaches.

Jacob Dargis, Director of Communications

Jacob is our free-range keyboard navigator from Alaska. Along with staying warm, his passion is arranging words and creating content that helps make people's lives a little more interesting.

What do you do at Dashy?
I write stuff. Things like help articles, blogs, verbiage, legalese, bad jokes. I also dabble in social media... and check the mail.

Why do you love to work at Dashy?
It has allowed me to explore my creative side in a way that wasn't possible with previous jobs. I get to interact with the community and see something grow organically. Getting to work from home and spend a lot more time with my beagle is a big plus.

What are you listening to?
Right now its a whole lot of Gorillaz. I recently finished a 2,700 mile road trip and listened to every album at least five times.

Join the Dashy community and interact with the team! Check us out on LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.