Dashy 10 Month Update - 10k users

Dashy 10 Month Update - 10k users
Dashy New Tab Dashboard Daily Users

Dashy hit 10,000 users, was nominated by Google Chrome Editors, and generated $4,000 in its first 10 months in the Google Chrome Webstore.

Dashy Reached 10,000+ Users in Google Chrome in 10 Months

10,000 Users

It took 10 months to go from 0 to 10,000 users. After reaching 9k users with a global marketing campaign from September-November of 2023, we stopped all ads in December. Almost immediately after our ads stopped pushing random users to the webstore listing we began to generate upwared momentum with organic impressions from the Chrome store directly.

Organic Impressions Increased When Ads Stopped

This month Dashy was selected as #4 on Google Chrome Editors' Picks for extensions. Most of the extensions that were selected have millions of users and none in the top 10 have less than 100k users. See the full list here.

Dashy is Number 4 in Google Chrome Editors' Picks

Cashflow positive

On January 31, 2024 we launched the Dashy Pro subscription model globally. Dashy is free for anyone to use, however Dashy Pro offers advanced features with a monthly, yearly, or lifetime plan that not every user will want or need. That said, in the first 100 days Dashy Pro subscriptions earned $4,000+ in revenue.

Dashy Pro Generated $4,000 in 100 Days

Growing Organically

Dashy users open 20,000 new tabs per day all over the world. These new tabs act as a positive feedback loop to the Chrome webstore. Every week we get more store impressions, page views, installs, and subscribers. All without running any ads.

Dashy Impressions and Page Views

Try Dashy today and turn your boring homepage into a stunning new tab dashboard!

Check us out on LinkedIn and Youtube or download the extension here!